Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Reading List and Quotes Discussion

The format of the Reading List has been changed to hopefully improve its usefulness and readability. Instead of everything being on a single page (which resulted in it being too long to be easily readable), it has now been organized into multiple pages based on subject matter. Rather than merely list book and article titles, I have chosen to include the quotes and relevant excerpts directly on this blog, because I want to maximize the chance people actually bother to at least read some of the quotes!

Use this blog post to discuss about the Reading List. Suggestions to improve readability/formatting, pointing out typos, broken links, etc. are all encouraged.

The lists of quotations are far from being finished and will constantly be updated. Recommending new quotes/authors to add to the Reading List is also welcomed, but spend at least 5 entire minutes searching for a reliable primary source citation for the quotes before posting. My goal in compiling the Reading List is to make it as useful for as wide of an audience as possible--from academic historians, activists, and regular people who just want to read about American history.

As a fan of history myself, it frustrates me to no end when I run across shoddy scholarship which obfuscates the primary sources or see random inspirational quotes being upvoted thousands of times, despite many of these quotes being well-known fakes (which can be discovered from a simple 5 minute internet search). As activists, if we don't bother to fact check it makes our rhetoric look lazy at best and undermines our message at worse (when it turns out the historical figure being incorrectly quoted actually believed the exact opposite thing; or when the popular version of a quote has been taken out of context and twisted to provide support to our opponents' worldviews, while taking 5 minutes to see the original quote in context could provide a stronger argument for us!)

I hope that Americans who share our ideals (and the ideals of those historic Americans on the Reading List) are able to use these quotes in your activism and scholarship. Share them widely.

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