Wednesday, January 12, 2022

This is why we need to lock Red Coup organizers up - Peter Navarro explains the Coup Vote and claims it is still "legal"

On January 4th, 2022, coup planner Peter Navarro was interviewed by Ari Melber on MSNBC. Navarro described in detail the coup plan he and Bannon formulated, which they call the "Green Bay Sweep". In short, it is what we have more accurately called the Coup Vote. This was one of the plans that Republicans actually (attempted) to carry out!!!

To summarize Navarro's explanation of the intention of the Coup Vote: Republican members of Congress would object to the legal electoral votes in "swing states", and send the electoral votes back to the states so the Republican-controlled state legislatures could "decertify" the electoral votes (resulting in no candidate receiving 270 electoral votes, allowing for the Republican-dominated House of Representatives to vote on the President), or so Republican-controlled states could have 10 days to "recount" the votes--throwing out just enough "illegal" Biden votes to tip the tide in Trump's favor.

Read our blog post about the Coup Vote below (which includes a list of the 147 Republicans who committed sedition by carrying out the seditious "Green Bay Sweep" conspiracy by voting to overthrow the election):

Here is the 12-minute interview with Navarro:

Partial transcript:

So go ahead and tell us in your own words, what was the plan, and who was in on it besides you, Bannon, and Trump.

Sure, the back story is while I was in the administration, after the election, beginning on Thanksgiving, I produced what would be an exhaustive 3-volume report and I went over tens of thousands of pages of documents and proved that the election was on all likelihood stolen through fraud and election irregularities. That's the background.


The plan was simply this. We had over a hundred Congressmen and Senators on Capitol Hill ready to implement the sweep. The sweep was simply that we were going to challenge the results of the election in the six battleground states. They were Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Nevada, and basically these were the places where we believed that if the votes were sent back to those battleground states and looked at again that there would be enough concern amongst the legislatures that most or all of those states would decertify the election. That would throw the election to the House of Representatives.

And I would say to you here Ari, that all of this again, it was in the lanes legally. It was prescribed by the Constitution. There is a provision to go, rather than through the Electoral College, to the House of Representatives, and all this required [laughs] was peace and calm on Capitol Hill.

And at 1:00PM, Senator Ted Cruz and Representative Gosar started the Green Bay Sweep, beautifully, challenging the results of Arizona.

Here's the most important thing I can tell you about this. The thing that we were trying to deal with was a media which refused to acknowledge any kind of possible fraud or irregularities.

You just described this plan as a way to take an election, where the outcome was established by independent secretaries of state, by the voters of those states, and legal remedies had been exhausted--with the Supreme Court, never even taking, let a lone siding with, any of the claims you just referred to, so legally they went nowhere. Then you're describing a way that the incumbent [interrupted] Then you will use the incumbent losing party's power--that was the Republican Party that was losing power--to overtake and reverse that outcome.

Do you realize you are describing a coup?

No. I totally reject many of your premises there. First of all, the election was still in doubt and would be until it was certified. Second, [laughs] the idea that secretaries of state, particularly in Michigan and Pennsylvania were like innocent parties--I mean Jocelyn Benson and Kathy Boockvar, the secretaries of state in Michigan and Pennsylvania, they were put in power by George Soros for the express purpose of shifting the playing field to the Democrats. They were found in both states to have broken the law.

The point here Ari is that we were following the Constitution and rules of the Senate to simply get a recount of what the votes were. And we were looking for these battleground states to basically review whether there [interrupted] That's by the book! That's by the book!

Peter, people don't always hear directly from the folks involved. Steven Bannon, as you know, is risking going to jail rather than just provide testimony about it. You, by contrast, are describing it in your book--some of the same stuff. So I don't know what he's afraid of that clearly you're not.

But when you describe a system where, after all of the legal remedies are exhausted, the people who lost just make noise and then say that they won and seize power. Don't you understand? This is my question for you since I get to talk to you directly here. Don't you understand that if that actually were the system it would be dumb and dangerous? If the people who lost could just get up there and say, "well we want to do our own count, not the state law recount, not what the Supreme Court provides for everyone"--everyone remembers Bush v. Gore; there are situations where they get involved--but just people in the Trump administration decide, "well, we disagree."

Don't you understand why people see your--whatever you want to call it--you don't want to call it a coup-- your thing where when you lose you stay in power--they see that as really dangerous?

Your presumption is the remedies were exhausted. My presumption is the remedies weren't exhausted at all. The remedy was for Vice President Pence, as the quarterback in the Green Bay Sweep, to remand those votes back to the six battleground states for ten days for a look to see if there were any election irregularities or fraud.

Now that was part of the remedy!

Let's get into that in your book. I'm going to read from your book and then I'm going to go back to you.


Let's read from your book with regard to your contention about the Vice President. You say, "[Pence] refused to take my repeated phone calls about... election irregularities despite, a direct request from President Trump to do so."

What was your vision, that you would get Pence to do that which Trump couldn't get him to do?

No. My only reason to talk to Vice President Mike Pence was to explain to him, as I documented in my 3-volume report, that in all likelihood there was significant election fraud and irregularities across the six battleground states. I mean these were ubiquitous six dimensions of fraud. I simply wanted to brief Mike on what I had found. I had what we call the receipts, and that's all the conversation.


Mike was always good to me, until that day. The thing about Mike's betrayal of President Trump, which is really interesting, is he never shared the legal analysis of his general counsel Greg Jacob and Marc Short with Pat Cipollone [interrupted] That was bad process betrayal right there.

Peter, that brings us back to the same point, and this may be relevant, sir, in future elections, which is, don't you think that somebody would have thought of this? If the incumbent administration, through the President or Vice President, could just cancel the election outcome because he goes down to the Senate. Well, then a lot of people would try to stay in power. We have an entire system designed to thwart, and I want to say this respectfully, but it's the truth, people like you. To stop people like you who think that you can anoint yourself the reviewers of the voters--of the American people--of what they lawfully did. That you Trump the Supreme Court, no pun intended. People like you are what the Constitution are designed to stop. And it worked. And it did stop you.

Which I guess brings us to this idea of the goals you talk about in the book.


In the book you say, "the goal is not to get the election overturned today. The goal is to subject the ballots... to careful scrutiny and investigation."

What do you say to the system doing that, not through partisans like you, ... but that's what the states and courts already do?


I reject the idea that we were trying to cancel the election, and you yourself just read from my book. All we wanted was to look at what I found. Look, Ari, the difference between me and virtually everybody else in this debate is I did the homework. I'm the guy who looked at thousands of pages of documents, did the analysis, I went in with an idea just trying to figure out what happened. And what happened was a very elaborate steal.

Navarro is right, the steal was pretty elaborate. Over 147 members of Congress participated, dozens of Trump administration advisors and officials helped organize and plan it, and it even occurred in multiple phases, beginning prior to the election with Postmaster General Louis DeJoy's implementation of the plan to sabotage the Postal Service. A massive inside job. (DeJoy has faced no punishment and is still Postmaster General under Biden, by the way!)

Now, let's take a step back.



During the interview, his hands are shaking as he explains the plan behind the Coup Vote. I assume he is shaking with nervousness and adrenaline as he gets a rush from openly admitting his crimes on live TV, knowing he will likely face no punishment. What a cruel joke.


Navarro's confession generated a lot of media coverage. The next day, Ari Melber summarized the buzz surrounding Navarro and the prior day's interview.

"After Trump Aide’s Admission On Air, New Heat On Coup Plot"


As an additional tidbit, how did the Trump administration find Navarro, you may wonder? ...Kushner went on Amazon and looked for people who wrote anti-China books:

"Report: Kushner found Trump advisor Navarro by browsing Amazon


There, he found a book co-written by Peter Navarro and was struck by its title, "Death by China."

Kushner then cold-called Navarro and invited him to be an adviser to the Trump campaign, according to the report. Navarro now directs the White House National Trade Council and serves as the Assistant to the President.

When the Trump campaign brought on Navarro, he was the only economic adviser on the team and likely reinforced Trump's convictions about China's trade policies."

...Yet liberals are trying to compete with rightists over who can be more Sinophobic, falling hook, line, and sinker for Russian geopolitical aims to stoke a new cold war between the US and China, to weaken both nations for Russia's benefit. (Which, by no coincidence, is a plan also shared by Navarro's partner-in-crime, Bannon).


Coup organizers are going on live TV confessing their role in organizing the coup attempt, and they face no punishment. They declare that their plan is still legal, and their co-conspirators continue to publicly announce they are planning for the upcoming coup.

Our nation is in grave danger. We need to prepare to defend ourselves when things start falling apart. We need to get armed, train, and organize within our communities so we can defend each other from the coming chaos.

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